Fundraiser FAQs

Please see most frequently asked questions below.

If you do not see the answer to your question,  click here to contact us.

Coordinator’s Corner


  • Will the original artwork be returned to us?
    Yes! Class folders of artwork are returned when the custom order packets are delivered to the school. Original art may arrive in a separate shipment, on a different date.
  • Can we use our own paper?
    You may glue your own 8.5” x 8.5” square of art paper to the art paper we have provided. It must be centered below the header line and attached securely. Paper cannot hang off the edges. We provide a separate sheet of art paper for each artwork plus about 10% more for errors. We custom pack the art paper, so each pack may contain a different amount. (For art created at home for uploading online by family, the art should be done in an 8.5 x 8.5 in square on their own paper if desired.) If you run out of art paper, and just need a few sheets, you may use your own art paper - and use the Art Paper Template in Coordinator's Corner documents to print up art paper. If you need more than 20 additional sheets of art paper, contact your account manager.
  • May we label the art instead of writing in student names?
    This is recommended. Labels must include first & last name of artist, grade, teacher, and school name. Printed text should be at least 12-point font. Affix the label over the name area of the header section.
  • What mediums work best?
    Two-dimensional mediums. (Bold classic markers, tempera paint, or paper collage). Refer to the Art Requirements located in your Coordinator's Handbook and Coordinator's Corner.
  • Why do we need to keep important details away from the edge?
    Many products require us to overlap edges and important details close to the edge may be partially or completely cropped off. Square 1 Art will process the artwork as submitted. Refer to Art Requirements and Signature Template documents. All important details should be at least 1 inch away from all edges. However, artists should color in backgrounds all the way to the edge.
  • Why should the artist sign their artwork?
    Families love seeing their child’s first name on their artwork. History shows fundraisers are more successful when signatures are on the artwork. Go one step further and dd the year!
  • Can artists use crayons or colored pencils?
    Artists may use crayons, but they should color in intensely and fully. Colored pencils can be used, but because some have a sheen, they may not photograph as well and colors can look washed out.
  • What should I ship the art to Square 1 Art in?
    Please ship all your art in ONE sturdy box. Be sure to add the filled-in Art Ship Form (from your Coordinator Handbook; it is also in Coordinator's Corner "Forms and Family Documents" section. Fill in any empty space with crumpled paper or bubble wrap so that folders do not shift during shipping. Seal the box well on all sides with strong packing tape to help ensure the box will not open during transit. Note: You may use the "Toolbox" box we shipped your supplies in IF it is still in good condition and IF all of your art fits in it. Otherwise, please use any good, sturdy box of your choice. If you have a very large school (over 800 students), you may ship your art in 2 boxes, but you must contact your account manager to get a 2nd UPS label.
  • What if I need additional art creation time?
    Contact your account manager for any schedule revisions. We are happy to revise your schedule or season as needed.
  • Can I ship my art in earlier than scheduled?
    Yes! You may ship your art in earlier than scheduled. Contact your account manager to let them know what earlier date you would like to ship your art.
  • How do I get my shipping label to ship in my art?
    Your shipping label is automatically emailed to you about 14 days before your Art Ship Date. Search for an email from "" or for the subject line, "Your Return Shipping Label for Artwork". Also, check your SPAM and JUNK files. If you cannot find your shipping label, contact your account manager. If you want to ship your art early and need your label, contact your account manager.
  • What if there is not enough art paper in my toolbox?
    We send enough art paper for your student population plus about 10% extra for errors. Art paper is custom packed by us, so each pack may contain a different amount. If you need more than 20 sheets of additional art paper, contact your account manager. You may reproduce our art paper template on your own art paper if needed, preferably 80# stock.
  • What if I shipped in my art but I have additional artwork?
    The coordinator may upload additional artwork in Coordinator's Corner - login, make sure you choose the current season/year in the drop down menu at top left of page, and scroll down the "Digital Art" section. Click on it and then click on the "+ADD ART+ button. Digital art uploads do not receive custom catalogs. Once you upload the art, an art code for that art is generated. Families also may then search for the art using our Art Search and may order. Uploaded art does not receive custom catalogs. Families may upload art online using the online Art Upload feature. If you have many classes of additional art, you may contact your account manager for more information.

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